
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
High-Tech Media with Ed Bloodnick
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
High-Tech Media with Ed Bloodnick
In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Ed Bloodnick, grower services and product development director at Premier Tech Horticulture, the company behind PRO-MIX growing media. Ed leads the grower services team at Premier Tech, responsible for customer product support, training, laboratory services and product trials. Ed’s been at Premier Tech for 33 years and before that was the GM of a 20-acre greenhouse operation producing a range of crops from annuals and perennials to nursery and seasonal plants. He’s the perfect guest to discuss current media and substrate technology and why it’s changing the game and creating tremendous opportunities for growers.
Ed starts by sharing a quick history of soilless media and why our industry moved away from mineral soils in the 1970s. Then he and Bill dive right into the topic of media with added microorganisms like bacteria and mycorrhizae and why these “active ingredients” are so important, from a plant and soil health perspective. Ed explains how and why Premier Tech developed a strategy to incorporate microorganisms, as well as the differences between them, from endo vs. ecto and then into the importance of tripartite relationships in optimum plant growth. The bottom line is that growers using this type of media are seeing the benefits very clearly, including enhanced plant growth, disease suppression and improved flowering and fruiting. They close by discussing how and why growers should begin trialing new media types in production. The topic may seem complex, and it is, but Ed does a fantastic job explaining it in a way that makes it understandable for growers of all experience levels. You’re going to want to listen all the way to the end of this episode!
Check out Premier Tech’s Training Center, filled with videos and technical documents: https://www.pthorticulture.com/en/training-center/
Learn more about Premier Tech and PRO-MIX and their range of horticulture industry-leading media products: https://www.pthorticulture.com/en/
Continue the conversation by reaching out to the Premier Tech Grower Services Team: https://www.pthorticulture.com/en/grower-services/
Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website: https://www.growertalks.com/

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Sustainable Growing Solutions Can Pay Off Bigtime
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tech On Demand: Sustainable Growing Solutions Can Pay Off Bigtime
In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined for the third time by Bryce Anderson, sales manager for The HC Companies. In this episode, they tie a bow on a three-part miniseries that started with pricing, moved to adding value and now wraps up with a more specific and action-oriented look at how sustainable packaging can create multiple payoffs. Bryce is a 28-year industry vet with experience in a wide range of roles from greenhouse production and distribution to retail and even manufacturing. He’s been a head grower and production manager, as well as garden center manager. He also brings experience in sales and operation management. This diverse skill set makes him a perfect guest to cover our topic du jour – Sustainable Growing Solutions Have Far-Reaching Payoffs.
This time, Bill and Bryce dig into how sustainable products fit perfectly into current (and shifting) consumer wants and needs. Bryce characterizes current market demand, as well as grower attitudes towards products that are not only good for the Earth but also fit seamlessly into modern greenhouse production scenarios. Next, the guys address costs and how sustainable products may be more expensive but the payback is greater. They close the discussion with a conversation about mindset changes and exactly why these new products should not be lumped into the general product mix, but instead called out as just that – new. Bryce ends our three-part podcast by sharing some thoughts on why now is the time to take some baby steps and test the waters with new sustainable products. After sharing his insights on pricing and differentiation, as well as a clear tactic, hopefully the story is pretty clear. Now is the time to embrace change and build your business for the future.
Learn more about The HC Companies and their range of industry-leading horticultural containers: https://hc-companies.com
Continue the conversation with Bryce Anderson via email: banderson@hc-companies.com
Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website: https://www.growertalks.com/

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Level Up Your Value Proposition
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tech On Demand: Product Differentiation is Critical to Your Value Proposition
In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is once again joined by Bryce Anderson, sales manager for The HC Companies. Bryce is a 28-year industry vet with experience in a wide range of roles from greenhouse production and distribution to retail and even manufacturing. He’s been a head grower and production manager, as well as garden center manager. He also brings experience in sales and operation management. He says his skills have evolved over the years to include water, media, nutrition management and he has a particular focus on crop quality. That wide range of skills and experience should make this discussion particularly interesting – Product Differentiation is Critical to Your Value Proposition.
Following up on the previous episode focused on pricing, Bryce and Bill spend some time on ways and reasons to differentiate. They begin by highlighting how critical it is for growers to move toward product uniqueness and away from falling into the commodity trap. Bryce shares his perspectives on how to navigate a marketplace of choices and find products that are truly different. He spends time on the costs required to create difference but even more time on the cost not to differentiate. They kick around the question if differentiation strategies should fall on the grower or retailer (or both). Bryce wraps up the podcast with final thoughts on creative ways to elevate a product mix and grab attention as a wholesale grower. This is a fantastic discussion of a very important topic. Throw in your earbuds and open your mind to some fresh thinking.
Learn more about The HC Companies and their range of industry-leading horticultural containers: https://hc-companies.com
Continue the conversation with Bryce Anderson via email: banderson@hc-companies.com
Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website: https://www.growertalks.com/

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Don't Sell Yourself Short!
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tech On Demand: Don’t Sell Yourself Short!
In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Bryce Anderson, sales manager for The HC Companies. Bryce is a 28-year industry veteran with experience from greenhouse production and distribution to retail and even manufacturing. He’s been a head grower and production manager, as well as garden center manager. He also brings experience in sales and operation management. He says his skills have evolved over the years to include water, media, nutrition management and he has a particular focus on crop quality. It’s this comprehensive understanding of the industry that makes him perfect for our discussion today - Are Growers Selling Themselves Short? The Struggle to Balance Price with Value.
In this entertaining conversation, Bryce and Bill discuss what they’ve seen over the years that makes this topic of particular importance, while bringing an understanding of the realities of greenhouse production and market dynamics to the table. Bryce talks a lot about the myth and reality of consumer price sensitivity, market competition and what factors into a fear of raising prices. He touches on the importance of knowing your market and your costs, as well as his thoughts on what it takes to be profitable. Stick around all the way to the end for a timely and relevant conversation about the current market, post-pandemic, and how critical it is to capitalize now to hook a new generation and set of customers. You’re going to love this episode!
Learn more about The HC Companies and their range of industry-leading horticultural containers: https://hc-companies.com
Continue the conversation with Bryce Anderson via email: banderson@hc-companies.com
Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website: https://www.growertalks.com/

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
At Risk Crops: Basil
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Basil
Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Basil. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Nick Flax, a technical specialist with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers Basil Downy Mildew. Nick shares information about this aggressive pathogen, as well as strategies for avoiding it.
Slides for this presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/bcalkins/ball-tech-on-demand-at-risk-crops-basil
Overview of At Risk Crops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nivIaIVFE3c
At Risk Crop Resources: https://www.ballseed.com/QuickCulture/ProductionGuides/
At Risk Crop Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWIFgcRZVIylFIk-me3R1Q
Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: https://www.growertalks.com/Subscribe/
Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
At Risk Crops: Canna
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Canna
Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Canna. To look at the inherent risks with this key tropical crop, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses impacting this crop. Will shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control.
Slides for this presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/bcalkins/ball-tech-on-demand-at-risk-crops-canna
Overview of At Risk Crops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nivIaIVFE3c
At Risk Crop Resources: https://www.ballseed.com/QuickCulture/ProductionGuides/
At Risk Crop Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWIFgcRZVIylFIk-me3R1Q
Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: https://www.growertalks.com/Subscribe/
Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
At Risk Crops: Carnation
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Carnation
Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Carnation. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses and fungal diseases impacting this crop. Will shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control.
Slides for this presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/bcalkins/ball-tech-on-demand-at-risk-crops-carnation
Overview of At Risk Crops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nivIaIVFE3c
At Risk Crop Resources: https://www.ballseed.com/QuickCulture/ProductionGuides/
At Risk Crop Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWIFgcRZVIylFIk-me3R1Q
Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: https://www.growertalks.com/Subscribe/
Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
At Risk Crops: Hosta
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Hosta
Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Hosta. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Dr. Nathan Jahnke, a research manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses impacting this crop. Nathan shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control.
Slides for this presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/bcalkins/ball-tech-on-demand-at-risk-crops-hosta
Overview of At Risk Crops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nivIaIVFE3c
At Risk Crop Resources: https://www.ballseed.com/QuickCulture/ProductionGuides/
At Risk Crop Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWIFgcRZVIylFIk-me3R1Q
Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: https://www.growertalks.com/Subscribe/
Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Growing for the Pro Landscape Market
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Tech On Demand: Growing for the Pro Landscape Market
In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by joined by Lisa Lacy and Jeff Gibson. Lisa is a Portfolio Manager with PanAmerican Seed – a brilliant plant guru with a keen market sense, spotting trends far before they come to fruition. Jeff is Landscape and Independent Garden Center Business Manager with Ball Horticultural and someone who knows our industry inside and out with an ability to learn markets and help growers produce and deliver the crops relevant to each. Our topic this time is the Professional Landscape Segment – a huge part of our industry and one with particular wants, needs and nuances.
Both Lisa and Jeff are industry veterans and with that experience comes plenty of stories, so sit back and enjoy a lively conversation about ways to work effectively, as a grower, with the professional landscape segment. We talk about how the market has changed over the years, what landscape professionals have shared about how they want product grown and delivered, the importance of trust and availability and tips that have worked for many greenhouses. We also discuss how plant breeding and development has evolved to focus on landscape market needs and the importance of trialing new varieties to determine durability and longevity in today’s landscapes. Finally, we wrap up with everyone’s favorite topic – new varieties and products proving success with professional landscapers and designers.
Ball Landscape Website – including the 2021 Thrive regional poster, Photo Library and ready-to-use presentations for growers: https://www.balllandscape.com
PanAmerican Seed Pro Landscape Website – including a regional plant selector, sell sheet creation tools and a plant calculator to help design installations: https://www.panamseed.com/landscape
GrowerTalks Magazine Website: https://www.growertalks.com/

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
At Risk Crops - Tomato
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Tomato
Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Tomato. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Nick Flax, a technical specialist with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers a specific virus, as well as bacterial leaf spot impacting this crop. Nick shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control.
Slides for this presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/bcalkins/ball-tech-on-demand-at-risk-crops-tomato
Overview of At Risk Crops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nivIaIVFE3c
At Risk Crop Resources: https://www.ballseed.com/QuickCulture/ProductionGuides/
At Risk Crop Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWIFgcRZVIylFIk-me3R1Q
Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: https://www.growertalks.com/Subscribe/
Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.